Beechcraft E33A - Sold
- 1968 E33A
- Turbo Normalized - Tornado Alley (
- 4200 TT
- 100 SMOH by Barrett Performance
Millenium Cylinders
Overhauled Turbo
- New Hartzell 3-blade prop installed in 2000
- 200 knots on 16.5 gph
- Osborne Tip Tanks (120 gal total)
- Precise Flight Speed Brakes
- New intercooler in January 2001
- Turbo GAMIjectors
- JPI 700 Engine Monitor
- King Radios
KT76A Transponder
KMA24 Audio panel
King DME
- Strikefinder
- Electric attitude indicator - backup
- Davtron digital VOR
- Horizon Digital Tach
- Arnav FMS 5000 GPS and Loran (VFR)
- Shadin miniflo fuel computer coupled to GPS
- Northern Avionics 4-place intercom
- Century III autopilot
- Electric trim
- Rosen Sunvisors
- Backup vacuum system
- Nu-lights
- Always hangar'd
- Annual due 10-1-2002
Items new 1999
JPI EDM 700 w/digital oil temp
New red strobe for beacon
new fuel cells
landing gear motor overhauled
new oil hoses
new main tires
baffling mods from GAMI
new battery 7-99
NEW ITEMS at Engine Overhaul Sept 2001
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